Know Your Weaknesses
All people see themselves as a perfect person without any flaws. We wish to be like angels pure. But our self created imagination ends, when someone tells us our weaknesses. Therefore we get disappointed and our self image gets shattered.
In order not to get disappointed, you can take few steps:
1. Know your weaknesses.
You look at yourself in the mirror and there is the most important person in the world in front of you. Who is he? He is you. You, me and every person who is living on this planet loves himself more than anyone else. This is the main reason you are not be able to see your weaknesses.
However decide today to find one of your weakness at a day. Of course it is very difficult to do. Because our subconscious mind does not show us our weaknesses in order to protect us. However it does more harm than good to us. Begin today to see what you are weak of. Maybe your communication skills are terrible, or you are an arrogant person who does not respect anyone than himself, or you are easily manipulated by others, etc.
2. Ask for feedback
The second step is seeking feedback from others. Even if you try very hard to find out your weakness, still there would be missing points. Fortunately, other people enter the scene here. Ask for feedback. First of all, tell them to be honest and tell the reality as it is. But you have to make sure that you will not get offended or upset by their feedback. Thus by encouraging them to give feedback you can gain crucial information about yourself. Be aware that your close friends and family memebers will be reluctant about giving honest feedback. In any way, you should be grateful for what you have get and put it to use.
3. Focus on your weak points
Once you learn your weaknesses. Make a plan how to strengthen them. Do not make the mistake to work on all your mistakes all at once. It is impossible. Then focus one weakness at a time. This way your chances are higher to get rid of them.
4. Work on your weaknesses
The final point is to work on your weaknesses. Pin point one of your mistake. Let's say, you have the fear of public speaking. Then make a plan how to overcome this fear. For example: you can take public speaking courses, buy books about public speaking, take part in public speaking events, practice speaking in front of small groups.
Weaknesses are the inevitable part of human life. We have to learn how to live with our weaknesses. First of all, accept the fact that we are not perfect. Therefore try to improve yourself in every way. Only this way we would hope to make ourselves better and happier.
Solomon H.
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