Exercise Your Creativity Muscles
Creativity is the ability to imagine something extraordinary. There are differences between people. The creative people and those who are not creative. Therefore creativity is one of the greater differentiator between successful and unsuccesful people.
All your abilities can be developed and improved by using them. As muh as you exercise your skills they get developed. When you use your creativity it will grow. Then you can imagine more creatively.
There are few ways to develop your creativity:
- Use creative writing. When you write articles about certain topics you can exercise your creativity. Writing forces you to use your mental abilities, this way you strengthen your imagination. Because writing requires creative thinking. Especially if you are writing fiction. No matter what you write about, every kind of writing, fiction or nonfiction requires you to use your creativity. This way you will strenghten your creativity muscles.
- Imagine. When you use your imagination, you develop your creativity. You have mental powers, one of the most important one is imagination. When you imagine, you are seeing what is not existent physically. But there is a theory that we attract what we imagine. When you imagine something, when you see in your mind's eye something, your subconscious mind perceives it as reality. The subconscious mind can not differentiate between the real and imagined things. Therefore use this ability to make your life better.
Solomon H.
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