Break your goals into small parts.

Goals are the dream of every success student. But big goals often can be almost unreacheable. Therefore you should be careful while determinig what your goals are. If you set high goals for yourself it will require long time to achieve them. Maybe it will take countless hours of practice and years of self discipline. This often leads to dissapointments. You can be discouraged by big goals because you cannot reach them for a short time. 

In order to solve this problem, which many people is facing, you can use the method of breaking big goals into smaller goals. For example: if your goal is to write a book of few hundred pages. It takes a long time and countless hours of writing. Ceratinly you cannot achieve it for a few months, then you will get discouraged by this and you will give it up altogether. But if you break this goal into smaller parts then your chances to reach your goal will be easy. Just decide to write one page a day. If you can only write one page a day, then you should consider this a success. This way your belief in yourself will increase and you will reach your goals. Another benefit is smaller goals is this, when you write a page everyday then you will adopt the habit of daily writing. Therefore your writing skill will develop, then you will be able to write dozens of pages a day without any difficulty. So keep practicing.

                                                         Solomon H.


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