Boost Your Productivity

 Action is the word you hear often by the motivational speakers. Everytime you listen to a self improvement podcast, you will hear the importance of taking action. In reality though action everytime doesn't mean productivity. There are people who are active most of the time but not productive. We come accross to this usually in the workplaces. 

Productivity doesn't mean being active only. You can be active and work all the time while you are working, but you can't get done anything. Real productivity is getting done things even if you are not working so hard. 

There are steps you can take in order to boost your productivity: 

• Get motivated. Motivation is the driving force that gets you to do things efficiently. If you are motivated about your job, then you will be productive in that particular job. But if you are not motivated, then productivity should not be expected from you. 

• Expand your knowledge. Every job requires from you at least to know the fundamentals. However if you learn more about your job then you become better at it. By increasing your knowledge about your profession, you become an expert in your field. Therefore you will do your job in the most efficient way. So you productivity boosts this way. 

• Create a great team. There is a saying:  Two minds are more accurate than the one mind. If you are working in a company, you can get done limited tasks by yourself. But if you want to get done more in order to meet your deadlines then create a team that will assist you in your work. When you cooperate with your team, you get more free time, also get done things better and faster. If you are a specialist in your field, you can cooperate with a colleage who is less capable than you. Then you can assign them easier tasks that take your time. This way you get extra time by avoiding less important tasks.

                                                         Solomon H.


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