Picture The Finish Line

Every road has a finish line. Similarly your goals also have a finish line. When you focus your attention on your goals then probably you will see the finish line. It is a common mistake to focus only to the end result, because the journey is more important than the destination. You should try to take pleasure from the journey. While you are working try to see the positive sides of your job, and try your best to take pleasure in whatever you do. 

Even of you are a street sweeper. Try to see the benefits of your job to yourself and also to society. You can see your job as a resource for yourself. By working on this job you are earning money to feed yourself and also ypur family. Furthermore you are cleaning the streets which improves the surrounding that every person takes pleasure from seeing the clean streets. 

Even if you are working in a menial job, there are  positive sides of it as well. If you are able to see the positive sides of your job then you can live a happier life. Therefore never ever focus on the destination rather focus on the journey itself. This way you will take pleasure even from the obstacles you are facing while trying to achieve your goals. The end result is not more important than the process of self development while achieving your goals.

                                                         Solomon H.


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